Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
In this episode Simon Heale guides you through a short check-in practice, followed by the main practice which is all about the language or internal dialogue we experience moment to moment and specifically during our meditation. How do we relate to these words? Are we open to them or do we push them away with frustration? This episode is a chance to change how we relate to this constant exchange.
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
This is not a sing-along, sorry! It is a meditation practice to explore one of the foundations of insight practice, to be able to deliberately let go of any attachment to a thought, a feeling or a sensation and to settle on a single place. Mindfulness is the zeitgeist but sadly it has been stripped of its true meaning and is now sold off as a cheap imitation around the world. Here, you can experience how simple it is to be aware, to be mindful in any moment and then to let it go, for nothing, apart from your time.
I hope you enjoy this exploration.
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
In this podcast Simon Heale poses the possibility for us to sit and be with our experiences, our 'sea of troubles' as Hamlet says in his famous soliloquy, and to 'suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune'. Do we fight them or can we oppose them? So in this practice, it is an opportunity to sit back, to practice non-attachment, distance and allow our 'sea of troubles' to pass or rage or settle.
Enjoy your 30 minutes of being the Dane!
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
The Loving Kindness or Metta practice invites you to offer yourself, others and the world four affirmations or requests to be well, to be happy, to live with ease and to be free from suffering. These are not demands but offerings or possibilities from the heart. The practice opens with Simon Heales check-in and then leads into the 22 minute main meditation.
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Inspired by the poem Leisure by WH Davies, Simon Heale guides you through a practice to encourage you to simply take a stand and stare at your experiences, to let these be enough for you and to give you a break from the tyranny of your thinking mind, albeit for 30 minutes or so. But with a little bit more practice.........
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
In this practice we examine the constant need for need and how in practice we can check whether just sitting and breathing can be enough, a real challenge for most of us mere busying mortals. I have included four short emergency interventions or exercises which are wonderful for all ages, especially at this time of massive uncertainty.
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
With all your fears, doubts, perhaps pain, can you still be grateful? In this new episode, Simon Heale guides you through ways to see if you can bring gratitude to your experiences that would otherwise be ignored such as your breathing, your body, your feelings. By narrowing our focus onto our micro world in practice, we may be able to be with our macro world with a renewed awareness. Perhaps.
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
In episode 9: Simon Heale shows you how practice is the ideal place to watch our human tendency to avoid our pain, loss, suffering and the need to experience more pleasure or what we know we like and need. By recognising our feelings, by trying not to follow our stories or thoughts and by settling on the physical: breath and body, we will change our relationship with our own pleasure and loss experiences.
Friday Aug 28, 2020
The Snowglobe Project (or meditations for all) Episode 8: Kindness Practice
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
In episode 8 Simon Heale guides you through a settling 10 minute check-in and breathing space, followed by the 18 minute main practice which involves bringing kindness and curiosity to how we relate to ourselves in practice. Enjoy it.
All of the Snowglobe Project episodes are recordings from Simon Heale's online meditations during our recent lock-down.
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
In this practice, Simon Heale will guide you through 28 minutes of insight meditation, focussing on bringing patience to our experiences, through the language we use and the quality of patience. The simple phrase "its OK" can be so effective to bring patience to ourselves not only in practice but moment to moment and day to day.